So my kids have recently proved to be rather medically challenging. I know, at some point all kids are. But, I think I am being triple teamed. I know, some may think I am exaggerating, but they don't live in my well worn slippers.
Ashton, Jack, and TJ recently saw an allergist, who I thought was AMAZING! Believe it or not, TJ and Jack tested negative (although Jack was not tested for any food allergies). Ash tested positive for dogs and cats (protein, not dander), mold (ick), and . . . grass. I mean, seriously, what is that. Allergic to grass, might as well be allergic to golf or baseball. His peaks from June and July for grass, and June to beginning of November for mold. They also decided to treat his asthma more aggressively with daily meds, actually nightly meds. He has to take an allergy pill in the morning. YIKES . . . he even has to get his inhaler 3 days a week before gym class. So, just with him alone I am feeling overwhelmed.
Let's add Jack into the mix, he has to get his reflux medicine two times a day. Not a big deal, except his medicine takes like . . . are you ready . . . grapey-aspiriny-peppermint! Huh, who would even want to ingest that, no one in their right mind! So I mix it with a little Sprite, um, still gross. But we are dealing.Poor Baby!!!!
TJ, my little Franken-Baby. He split open his noggin at his uncles house and had to get 3 stitches. Before you say, "ooohhhh poor baby." I have to tell you it has not slowed him down one bit! You would think he would be afraid it would happen again, but no, not so much. Well, his meds have been upped as well. He went from having his nebbie once a day to twice a day. I guess not such a big deal, alone, but when you mix him with his brothers you get a swimming pot of grapey-aspiriny-pepperminty-nebbie-albuterolly-allergy blah!
I have to say it does feel good to be able to just say this. I cannot do it all. I know, I know that is what my husband is for. But, I guess I don't want to have to admit that I need help. Shouldn't I be able to do it all. Probably not, but it is still hard to say I can't do it alone.
Well, all thanks for the vent.
Man, being a parent can be challenging. It is because you want your kids to be happy and healthy. Although I suppose always being healthy doesn't mean happiness.
3 years ago